Friday, July 04, 2008

Summer Internet Surfing

I stumbled across this website that made me laugh ...

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?
Created by OnePlusYou
and these are questions that have been bugging me as well ...

How many cannibals could your body feed?
Created by OnePlusYou

Created by OnePlusYou


So it turned out that this site is not as benign as I first thought. I came across the link in a theology blog that I monitor and just went to the widget site. It figures that the link embedded in the images above in FACT sends you to a Russian "dating" website. I have told these people how old I am, my height and weight and some of my personal preferences in filling out the "questionnaire" to determine how many cannibals I could feed or how much my body is worth. I would assume that the email associated with this website is currently being bombed by "offers" of companionship by busty ladies named Svetlana. I have disabled the links as best I can now and all I can say is that I am glad that I use an Internet pseudonym for this blog. If any of you managed to get caught in this before I posted this warning you have my apologies.

Now, I have all these new email messages from Nadya to read ...


Me said...

I apparently could feed 16 cannibals and my body is worth $4240... good to know! ha, thanks... that was a fun distraction.

Professor Honeydew said...

It just goes to show the truth to the old saying ... "Let a group of cannibals eat your body and they eat for a day but let them sell your body for parts and they eat much longer".