Created by OnePlusYou
So it turned out that this site is not as benign as I first thought. I came across the link in a theology blog that I monitor and just went to the widget site. It figures that the link embedded in the images above in FACT sends you to a Russian "dating" website. I have told these people how old I am, my height and weight and some of my personal preferences in filling out the "questionnaire" to determine how many cannibals I could feed or how much my body is worth. I would assume that the email associated with this website is currently being bombed by "offers" of companionship by busty ladies named Svetlana. I have disabled the links as best I can now and all I can say is that I am glad that I use an Internet pseudonym for this blog. If any of you managed to get caught in this before I posted this warning you have my apologies.
Now, I have all these new email messages from Nadya to read ...
I apparently could feed 16 cannibals and my body is worth $4240... good to know! ha, thanks... that was a fun distraction.
It just goes to show the truth to the old saying ... "Let a group of cannibals eat your body and they eat for a day but let them sell your body for parts and they eat much longer".
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