Friday, March 04, 2011

Friday Science Gleanings

The Chemistry Department of the University of Nottingham has a YouTube video channel where they have a video for each element of the periodic table narracted by the stereotypical chemistry professor Martyn Poliakoff. The vidoes work however because of their verisimiltude ... these vidoes are works of love.

LINK to YouTube Channel:

In any event their most recent is a mash-up of the famous Lehrer "Element Song" and their narrators saying the names of the elements. It made me smile:

A preoccupation with the trivial is a universal attribute of the scientist. I found this video on light bulb filaments fascinating:

Calamaties of Nature has a series on Science and Spirituality:
And there was this as well by "The Other Coast"

While not specifically about Science I have always thought that this quote spoke to the curiousity and attitude of the Scientist:

"When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth." George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Always Thought the Chemistry Was Wrong On this Issue

It turns out the Mafia informants have been overstating the use of barrels of sulphuric acid to dispose of human bodies. As someone who has put a lot of organic material in concentrated sulphuric acid over the years I just know that the fumes, heat and reaction residue would not be an easy clean-up. So it was good to hear that someone did the actual science on the whole "body in a barrel of Sulphuric Acid" myth. Now I have to come up with a different plans to dispose of the bodies ...

(I gotta ask though how this gets tagged as "biology" by the magazine)

Saturday Quote

"In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite."

Paul Dirac (Nobel Prize in physics, 1933)
Oh, and it snowed last night too.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Science Round-up

Came across this quote in my reading this week ...

"Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths." Bertrand Russell

And I came across these cartoons referencing science ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stuff I Like

I like "Indexed" and this is the posting for today. Nice

Sometimes You Just Love Feeling Small

I saw this first on a physics site that I monitor [ LINK ] and it is yet another of the amazing time lapse sequences taken at observatories or in the desert. One can argue that it makes one feel small but I had to watch this three times ... first in amazement ... then humbled and finally grateful. Take a look but just don't be satisfied with the little image here go to the actual video to see it in all its' glory.