Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Science Under Your Skin

Carl Zimmer is an author and writer that I enjoy reading. He is strongly anti-Creationist but writes in an even-handed rationalist way that avoids the mean spirited positions of Dawkins and his disciples. In fact he makes me think of Stephen Jay Gould.

For whatever reason, Carl took an interest in people who have science tattoos and has now collected images of these tattoos at the link below. I have to admit that I would never get a tattoo myself due to 1) a defining abhorrence of the idea of exposing more of my skin than absolutely necessary, 2) lack of faith in the hygiene practices in most tattoo parlours that I have seen and 3) no easy gloss that escapes this clear statement: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. Leviticus 19:28
Nevertheless I am impressed that some people would go to the expense and pain of having these ink drawings pushed under their skin. An amazing number are chemical in nature.

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