Friday, October 20, 2006

Chemistry Week

It has been an exciting time in the chemistry world ...

This week past we celebrated the discovery of element 118 (for real this time).

In honour of Chemistry Week (October 22 - 28) and Mole Day (Monday, October 23) I offer for your pleasure the following link to The Element Song.

Link to the Element Song

But that alone, of course, does not make you smile with the workload that you face. For that reason I am going to declare that for the first year students the lab report for the gas lab (#5) will be a voluntary submission. You will not lose marks if you do not submit a report for the lab. For the second year organic chemistry students I will declare the juglone lab (#5A) to be a voluntary submission with the same comment. If you do submit a report by the deadline then the marks you earn will be added as bonus marks directly to your lab mark. No late submissions accepted.

Now ... go listen to the element song again and see if it doesn't somehow sound "happier".

Have a good weekend.


cwj said...
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cwj said...

Gee, what a terrible time to be "Professor Honeydew" free :/

Nas-T said...

Well...I'm going to have to memorize that now, I have no choice

Professor Honeydew said...

Well, I tell you, and I hesitate to do this, but the parody does not just end with "The Element Song" a couple of medical doctors in London created "The Drug Song" which is a very clever use of common pharmaceutical names but it has a VBW (Very Bad Word) at the end of the song. The link is below:

Nas-T said...

I think that the other link needed a password. But google proved fruitful!

drug song

I assume that is the same one, and I like it.