Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Humour File: Chemistry LOL

So, I think I have mentioned in the past that I am a member of the American Chemical Society [ACS] (my original membership back in 1982 was the "prize" for having the highest mark in Chemistry for my year). The ACS is the largest professional society in the world and there are a lot of benefits to membership. Part of the ACS is Chemical Abstract Services which reads and summarizes every publication that is chemical in nature. Now, chemical abstracts are about as interesting and sexy as Star Trek fans but the promotional arm of Chemical Abstracts called SciFinder has brought out a couple of oddly amateurish, somewhat amusing videos showing students the value of the service. What makes me laugh is the "cool" chemist who rocks out with three girls at a time. Yeah, that happens alot. Nothing makes the girls gather like the faint odour of organic solvents or oxathiazolones.

For the last video below you would have to kind of remember the 80's to get the Robert Palmer reference but the chemistry on the blackboard made me laugh (butyl lithium just might abstract ... LOL).

1 comment:

Nas-T said...

I would think that younger people would at least know the Shania Twain version of that last music video, even if they do not know Robert Palmer