Thursday, April 09, 2009

Nerd Humour

The good people at BioRad have been sniffing the lab solvents again. I can remember when they were as cool as a sleeping basset hound. They are a respected company in the biochemical and medicinal chemistry industries. If you look closely in the science labs of shows like CSI and NCIS I am sure you would see their products. And yet I guess they figured they need to up their cred with the new generation of chemists.

Thus we have these advertisements that have gone viral in the chemistry community. Now I guess the chemical industry will all want to make ads like these. They did make me laugh and now I can't get the GTCA song out of my head.

You don't need to know any chemistry to enjoy these but I would remind my first year students that enzymes do indeed make reactions go faster for reasons that they should know.

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