Friday, September 05, 2008

CHEM 2113 Lab #1 Class Data

This is the post for the class to combine it's data collected in the first lab. I want everyone to log into the comments section of this post and leave any data that you have on the compounds.

for example;

Compound E: m.p. 123.5 - 125.0 oC
Compound E: TLC (CH2Cl2) Rf = 0.123
Compound E: TLC (acetone) Rf = 0.789


Mundle said...

I observed with Compoud A:
it was a white powered solid, no recognizable smell.
my m.p on the slow run was 128-129.8
did not fo a tlc

Compound B
was a brownish/orange solid and it dried yellow on the silica paper when in sol with ch2cl2
no data for B

No observations for compoud C

Compoud d was a clear liquid that smelled like citrus
it dried clear on the silica paper
my first tlc with ch2cl2 had a dark cloud near the top
rf was 0.76

Mr. Beers said...

Comp B: Observations; copper/orange coloured powder that dissolved on contact with dichloromethane.

mp(slowrun) 153.0-157.5oC

Comp C: Observations; white,odorless, powder. dissolved immediately in the dichloromethane.

Rf (acetone) 0.422

Rf (dichloro) 0

PB :)

Professor Honeydew said...

Via email Mr. Budd reports:

Compound B:
- Has a powdery texture; looks kind of like cinnamon I thought. Has a copper/cinnamon color and has no noticeable smell.

- When 2ml of Dichloromethane was added, it turned to a dark yellow color

- When a drop is put on the TLC it leaves a faint yellow dot that can be seen without the UV light.

Rf value: Run 1: 0.484
Run 2: 0.518

Compound C:

Description: A white powder that seemed to have a slight smell, but the smell was not good or bad.

MP: A range of 203 - 212 degrees C

Compound D:

Description: A clear liquid with a kind of bad smell

Rf: 0.711

Unknown said...

Compound C

Fine white powder compound

M.P slow run 201.3 - 235.2
M.P fast run 170.3 - 205.1

TLC compound A (ace) Rf .627
TLC compound A (dichloro) Rf 0
TLC compound D (dichloro) Rf .763

Mundle and my Rf for compound match up !!!

EK said...

Compound A - white powder/ unidentifiable odour

slow run : 114.5 - 129.5
fast run: 128.5-131.9

Compound B - brown/redish powder, looks like paprika

TLC(acetone) 0.53

Compound C - white powder

TLC( acetone) - dot did not move, did not have enough time to try in other solvant.

Compound D - clear liquid