Friday, April 20, 2007

CH1023 W07 Not all Tears are Evil

So here we are at the parting of our ways. We had 38 hours of lectures, 12 hours of tutorials, 36 hours of laboratory instruction plus whatever time you put into the course on your own. You were tested/marked/quizzed and examined 30 times in this course. Thank-you for sticking with the course to the very end.

I will be in touch early next week about lab report and lab binder marks.

I know you have filled out student evaluations but if you still have something to say, I keep an eye on the site and you are welcome to leave a comment there.

Link to RateMyProfessor

If you were just here for the year then I hope the year has gone well and I pray that you have found ABU to be a good school to attend. If you are returning next year, I am going on sabbatical so I will not be around (well, I will still be round just maybe not around). I hope your next year goes well.

Whatever happens, you will all continue in my prayers as you head out for whatever the summer will bring you. Take care ... be well.

By the way, don't you people write your names on anything? Two students left stuff in the examination room and neither has their name written on them anywhere. One is just a textbook and some looseleaf but the other is a knapsack with a text and clipboard. The only thing that I could find that was even loosely identifiable were some notes that some students were passing each other in math class. The notes were about how hot someone's sister was and how another student was "working on not lusting this semester". Good luck with that.

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