Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Chemistry 1013 Fall 2010

There were some important changes that have been made in the course over the summer. The most important change would have to be the selection of a new textbook. The text for this course will be one by Mahaffey et al (Chemistry: Human Activity, Chemical Reactivity link to text description).

Why change? Well, the previous text was not fitting the needs of the class (to my eyes). This text is a "full service" text meaning that it is large but comprehensive. This is the first time in a long time that I have used a comprehensive text like this in first year chemistry. I have always thought that the large size of such texts would be intimidating especially to weaker students. My mind was changed however in discussions about texts with colleagues at our recent national chemistry conference in Toronto.

The negative aspects of the size of the text are compensated by the significant supports that come with the text including extensive end of chapter questions at varying levels of difficulty. By far however the greatest advantage is access to the online tutor and assignment facility called OWL (link to resource).

The text is about $ 20 more expensive than the previous text but the deciding factor in switching to this specific text is that it incorporates the entire text that I use for the second year organic chemistry course (link to previous organic text). Now this text has a suggested retail price of $ 180 which is more than the first year text that I have chosen so if I can use the Mahaffey text for all three courses (Chem 1013, Chem 1023 and Chem 2113) the students will save a lot of money.
They will have to lug around a large text though and the students that have taken chemistry using the previous text will have to make a pretty dramatic transition from the two texts.

So if you are a first year student or a returning student you will be learning chemistry from the same textbook. I am told that the texts will be available in the bookstore by the middle of August. I will let you know when they are in.

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