Friday, July 16, 2010

The Watcher in the Woods

So I am back in the woods doing more stream measurements. At this point I have been in the woods over two hours on one of the hottest days of the summer (air temp in shade 26 C). The three applications of insect repellant were wearing off and horseflies the size of hummingbirds were ripping small chunks of any exposed skin. I was hunkered down by the stream where i met
the dogs two weeks ago initializing the probes. I could not shake the feeling that I was being watched so I looked around and observed that one of rocks on the opposite side of the stream was not, in fact, a rock. This rabbit was sizing me up.

The look he was giving me was more aggravated than anything and I got the definite impression that he was thirsty and if I got in his way he would bunnystomp me. So once again I had animals in my sample area. Weird, what is it about this section of the stream?
Oh yeah, they have completed the storm drain and I wandered down to see the results. The discharge pipe is now cased and the discharge will fall into a stone field before it reaches the stream. Next big rain I need to check to see what kind of flow there from the drain.

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