Friday, November 27, 2009

The Problem With Variables

In class today we were appreciating that to determine the acid concentration of a weak acid we would have to determine the extent of reaction guided only by the acid dissociation constant. When we do not know a value in math and science it needs to be assigned a symbol and the default is x. This leads to all sorts of mathematical merriment but makes us think ...

And Beaker Too ...

It looks like the crew is grinding out a number of these videos and they are all worth a look. I like this one 'cause how often do you get "Ode to Joy" performed in a lab coat?

click on image to go to video

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prof. H. Makes a Video

I do not care how beloved the original video is ... this is precious and reminds me of when I was young and the Muppet Show was one of the best shows on TV. That and the fact that any video with Professor Honeydew and Beaker in it has to be a winner.

click on image to go to video

Monday, November 09, 2009

Carl Sagan Day

Today would have been Carl Sagan's 75th birthday had he lived to this day. It has been long enough and Science has changed so much that as all senses of loss and pain we begin to forget. That said, we have not replaced him and he is missed as the ubiquitous polymath, explainer and evangelist for Science that he was.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
– Carl Sagan, 1934 – 1996

Friday, November 06, 2009


So today it was all about balance on the atomic level. The conservation laws that we learned about (that matter is not created or destroyed in a chemical reaction) has consequences for our lives. We are gifted with atoms that we organize into our bodies. But we do not own those atoms we simply borrow them for a while and then we have to give all our atoms back to the Universe so it can make stars and diamonds (or Backstreet Boys Reunion CDs for that matter) out of what we leave behind. The idea of "I" in your head cannot be simply reduced to the atoms in your body it is emergent from the complexity that you have created.

Just like in this cartoon ...

... except of course I do not believe that the complexity "is just gone" when I die. Just like the atoms were a gift so was the complexity and when I die I will surrender that complexity ... that "I" ... to the One who created me to do with as He wills. That is my faith.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Because Athiests Need Hymns Also

This is really worth listening to especially since we are close to Sagan Day (the anniversary of his death and we have not replaced him so he is missed).

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Quantum Chemistry is Like an Episode of Friends

I keep an eye on this online comic because of its science themes but I must admit that it can run to some non-Christian themes. This comic stood out to me because of its link to what we have been learning in first year chemistry.