Sulphur hexafluoride is a non-polar, colourless, relatively inert gas despite its composition and high molecular mass. With a density 5.1 times that of dry air the gas naturally collects at the bottom of "empty" containers. At a German Science fair the organizers filled an aquarium with the gas and were able to suspend an aluminum boat in the gas. Makes for some amazing video.
Link to video
That is fantastic! I saw someone on Daily Planet breathe sulphur hexafluoride out of a balloon to make his voice become really low. But that was only a little bit cooler than the standard helium thing.
This was pretty you have any in the lab?
No, we don't have any SF6 in the lab as it is expensive and pretty much useless because it is pretty much chemically inert. In my estimation that demo cost them about $ 200. Lucky Germans.
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